Air Castle #2: A Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA)
Air Castle #3: A venture capitalist (VC) before retirement
Cp I will upgrade my AC #1 when inspiration strikes me. A fujitsu baby is way beyond AC...i've to set another category called the Super Air Castle for that. -grins!-
31 March 2005
Que Sera, Sera
When I was just a little girl,
I asked my mother,
"What will I be?Will I be pretty?Will I be rich?"
Here's what she said to me:
"Que sera, sera,Whatever will be, will be;
The future's not ours to see.
Que sera, sera,
What will be, will be."
Was slaving over stats in sch today with Monica. Killed too much brain cells to calculate the exact casualty rate.
"A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic." Joseph Stalin
Stalin has just undermined the death of my grey matter with his doctrine. No wonder he finds it at ease to put his people on the Five-Year programme without any hesitancy.
Monica was keen to take up management next sem. I had my eyes set on banking & finance some donkey years ago and I never had a great liking for management. I think it's a discipline that requires on-the-spot experience rather than bookwork. To put it succinctly, any course we choose now does not guarantee our dream job. A academic discipline that drills us in critical thinking surpass one that teach us the art of regurgitation (which I've admit with regret, I hate memorising).
Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) looks good to me.
In essence, CFA is for those who might want to pursue a career in investment banking or finance, with such positions as equity analyst or portfolio managers. It focuses strongly on financial analysis of equity, fixed income instruments as well as derivatives. A lot of time, CFA exams focus on how to decipher accountants' "creative accounting techniques" and subsequently, discern the true value of a company.
It's a whooping 3-yr course. Equivalent/higher than a MBA. So that's a plan for another donkey years to come...
Right now, I'm still keen on a finance degree cos my interest is in risk management and investment banking.
"The subject of "banking and finance" is all about risk. The degree aims to show how financial institutions manage risk, how financial markets trade risk and how new instruments to control risk are developed for the benefit of the economy as a whole.
The intention of the degree is to give an insight into the pivotal role of finance in an industrial economy.
The degree will suit you if you want to pursue a career in accountancy, consulting, commercial or investment banking, trading and sales or risk management."
Seeing Cp and gracia, the two savvy Business undergrad, prompts me to merit business and management some credit. Perhaps a Business major for me next sem? Hmm...I'm confused
Air Castle #1
Buyer's opportunity cost: SGD 3198
Seller's opportunity cost: I would rather not forecast
Why C110: It yields a higher utility. A neat 1.45kg that can fit into a bag easily. Allows for doodling and scribbling. The asthetic appeal is an extra bonus.
P(Air Castle #1 materialising/my current road companion is less than 1 year old) = 0.00000005
In other words, Crystal Palace has higher chance of being crowned this season's epl champ than me getting this chic tablet baby.
But then there's no harm in dreaming, is there? Anyway, Air Castle #1 is here to stay. Perhaps if I pray hard enough, a miracle may happen and Crystal Palace may just send Mourinho drowning himself and his fellowship in the showers. Let's see if Ladbrokes would agree with my prediction.
30 March 2005
"The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who at best, if he wins, knows the thrills of high achievement, and, if he fails, at least fails daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat."
-- Theodore Roosevelt
Post Dr P
If you happen to read this and even if you don't, I still want to say this, "Thanks, cp!" Hugs* You were such a dear darling when I was bawling and blowing my nose noisily into my now-mucusfied-tee after a Dr P. Wish I could have wiped the mucus dangling from the tip of my nostril off your shirt sleeve...but one can't ask for too much in life ya...*grins*
To some other insensitive people, I could only say "You need a Dr P. Your cerebrum (which incidentally is the part of the brain that controls speech and emotions as well as reading, thinking, and learning) could do with a Dr P in-house treatment."
Learn to think before you speak. Learn to use some EQ even if you're lacking in the IQ department.
And in case you're apprehensive of spending a fortune on a cerebrum treatment, don't worry it's on me. Just get your cerebrum fixed.
Johnny Johnny on the laptop
Can I get down now? This silver thing is giving me a tummyache!
Yes, you may...Not a very patient model, ya...
29 March 2005
I'm good enough
I never thought I was good enough. Honestly.
I prefer to leave the greater things in life for my family, friends and the millions of people out there to establish. Sitting at the sideline watching the people I care for reaching the pinnacle of their career is a bliss in itself. Really.
A few days ago, I decided to leave my comfortable cubby hole and join the rat race. In the mad paper chase. I wished I've been more dilligent and religious with practising the IQ quizzes featured next to the comic page on the sunday's paper. Here's why...
Each contestant has to be certified 'fit' by designated doctors. It has been years since I last had a medical check up. A natural phobia for needles and co doesn't help either. -groans-
The hospital was an upscale place. One can easily mistook it for a corporate building along the business district. The receptionists were friendly and quick to assure my qualms about needles. Smiling a little and feeling braver, I made my way along the long corridors for my first appointment.
The door plate reads "Dr B". He has an impressive CV on that plate which I roughly summarise as Specialist in Bones.
You leave no stone unturned in your regular exercise regime. You have surprising agility and strong bones.
Next stop, Dr Z the Eye Doctor. Inquisitive and sharp eyesight.
Phew...2 check-ups and how many times have I said "Ahhhhhhhhhh" with a stick stuck down my throat and a light beam picking up all the leftover food decay stuck between my teeth? Oh well...let's not go down into the specifics of my mouth interior. Back to my medical check up.
Third appointment: Dr P. Neurosurgeon.
Big name but I wasn't too particularly worried over this though. Since I'm a horn-rimmed couch potato whose greatest athletic achievement is cleaning up the plates and doing hourly gastronomic stretching, I've more to fret over my bones and eyes. And I'm certified fit! What can be possibly go wrong with my brains then? I am such a law-abiding citizen. No pornography or radical activist sentiments for toothy me.
Into the room I marched! Dr P was the most gentle doctor of the three. Just a couple of questions, routine checkup on my "Ahhhhh" decibel and CAT scan, and I'm free to get my noon chow. Bade the amiable Dr P goodbye and dashed (I do really mean dashed) off for my lunch.
Dr P wasn't around when I returned to collect my brain report later but he left a note for me though. Reading the note as I walked out, I nearly walked headfirst into the glass panel. Unfit! He failed my brains! What's wrong with my brains? I mean I only have lower grey matter capacity than others, slower in responding to his quirky brain questions. But I'm definitely not senile! Goodness.
Agile, sharp eyesight but senile. Laughable.
Back to my V.I.P seat on the sideline. This time I'm importing my snack bar (complete with chilled beverage, mexican coffee beans, cakes, chocolate), jumbo fan, giant shelter, a cheesy book, and an Osim chair.
Life is too short to spend torturing my behind with piles from prolonged sitting on a hard seat, heatstroke from extensive sunlight exposure, illiteracy from lack of reading the written text, malnourishment from food abstinence, and a crooked spine from leaning on a harsh back.
In conclusion, my new philosphy in life is: Vegetating on the sideline in comfort.
That at least, I'm good enough for.
25 March 2005
If you cheat may you cheat death.
If you steal may you steal one another's hearts.
If you fight may you fight for one another.
And if you drink may you drink with me.
Today I will marry my best friend
I love Jasper-Sky Wedding Photography
Every photo tells a story, taken with an acute eye. I've taken the liberty to post several portraits in my blog, all of which my heart ran away with. The one portrait that stopped me in my tracks was "The hands of love". There were two pairs of hands fastening the buttons on the bride's wedding gown- those of a mother's and a grandmother's. Blessings and love in every touch. Yet another young woman to go through the ritual of marriage and continue the wheel of life.
My preference for monotone photos holds steadfast. Uncomplicated with colours, a story comes out stronger. Remember the cliche saying, "A woman looks her best on her wedding"?
That old wives' myth is true as newton's gravity law. If I can I would want to make a portfolio one day.
22 March 2005
The One Gold Tooth Family
HSL aka OBS has inspired me to name my future familytree as follow:
Husband: 金牙王
Me: 老娘一金牙
Son: 金牙仔
Daughter: 金牙妹
Muahahha! That's my nuclear family to start with...will work on my extended family soon. Lol
Now back to polishing my gold tooth...*bling bling!*
21 March 2005
In name of HUNGER
I'm ravenous/famished/insatiate/voracious/supperless/hoggish/STARVED. Another sleepless night for me again. Awoke to the soft breeze of a March evening, recharged and pranced in the house playing nuisance (my hobby, my preoccupation... lol!) Duly punished when the clock struck midnight -- starvation sets in! Spread my day's work in front of me and forced my inner energy towards the methological art of calculus & co. After an hr of make-believe studying, I declared Attempt 1: FAILED. But that doesn't deter me in the slightest...*grin!* Jump onto bed and snuggled on my lovely ladybug bedsheet *whee!* Big Bear, Small Bear and Brother Bear sat next to my pillow, peering thru their glassy eyes at the hog that has reclaimed their territory. Muack, my bearbear dearies =)
The wheel of hunger rolls turn, two turn...luring my hapless concentration towards its menacing lair. Pray god! After a fierce battle, the glory is Hunger's, the white flag perched on my threshold. Attempt 2: FAILED.
Attempt3: lodge a complaint with obs, the source of my agony. What was supposed to be a grumble and gripe session materialise into a free breakfast treat for obs courtesy of me. Attempt 3: Indeterminate
Starving islandic Singapore, a land of gastronomic delights aplenty.
5 more hrs to dawn.
5 more hrs to intestinal fulfilment.
The night has never been longer than a Starvation Night.
18 March 2005
16 March 2005
Extraordinarily weary today. And extraordinarily chirpy almost nutty in the company of friends. In the fleeting private moments, I could sense a bitterness creeping in. Of regret and ___ [blank]. Sank to a shroud of dispiritednesst after bading the last friend goodbye. Gouged myself with food and attempt to drown myself in the showers. Just want to lie stationary in one spot till fossilisation sets in. Looking around for a cause for celebration and finding none. Silent brooding gleefully fills up this empty slot.
Decided to give tomorrow's lunch appt a miss and stay in. Too difficult and mind sapping to switch personalities to fit my social context. One day with my thoughts for company is the best remedy for my current ailment and while I'm at it, I'm gonna search for a cubby hole to squat in and THINK real hard.
Enveloped in the gentle, soothing voice of Enya...reminds me of the song of lapping waves in Ave Maria
15 March 2005
Dream Studio
I wish I can turn a bland, dismaying, refugee camp to a dream studio. After a modest re-do, the refugee look has shed...just a little. Tiptoeing on a budget, my humble abode makeover has to lean on shoestring chic. What with exams and staggering revision schedule bearing down on my poor shoulders, my studio project has to be put on hold. See u in summer, Project Dream Studio.
14 March 2005
06 March 2005
03 March 2005
In Sackcloth and Ashes - The Irony of It All
After weeks of some dogged persuasion from the more savvy bloggers, I finally gave in and throw in the towel. Pretty disastrously though. One thing leads to my minimalist blog a McQueen facelift is as good as me running for the oscars - absolute impossibility, nada, 0. So here I am back with my first love...the minialist look.
This little pattern rules my daily choice-making decisions from picking a top (which isn't too hard since I've narrowed the alternatives down to under 10) to choosing my coffee flavour and experimenting with coarse brown sugar and low-fat creamer proportion reduction (a brain teaser I indulge in..) After trudging through a myriad of choices, I'm back to my first love. Always.
I'm such a predictable nut.
The Mocks are stretching my Therapy Destresse to newer realms. Current listings on the TD menu are:
1. Food binge (food has never been more insulted than now)
2. A dipolar personality (extreme delirum & incessant senseless rambling)
3. A dust freak (I've lost count of the number of dust specks strutting flamboyantly in my domain. Last I heard my floor, shoes, wardrobe, bookshelf and yes, even the little drawers and my bed are threatening strike if I lift a finger to clean them more than thrice a day.)
4. Clutching onto my mug of coffee or the exotic chinese tea like a lifebuoy (10 rows of scratch marks can be spotted under the magnifying glass)
5. Taking to the stairs with an extra menace (I wish I've stayed on the 22nd floor)
6. Acsceticism (The unconditional sacrifice offering to Mock - carnal shopping conquests, secular pleasures, profane worship of image)
7. MSN celibacy (No...I'm happily fossilised into my chair. Parting bits of online chat are quite unnecessary.)
Two weeks of TD endorsement, I highly recommend #6 Therapy Acsceticism. It converts you to a CosmoMonk at a budget price. Your mum will love you for this.
Welcome to my world: A fossil. A Cosmomonk. A dust freak. A caffeine addict. A stairs menace. A gastronomic terror. A dipolar msn celibate.
I love Mocks.