Dreams, Illusions, Bubbles, Shadows

30 March 2005

Post Dr P

If you happen to read this and even if you don't, I still want to say this, "Thanks, cp!" Hugs* You were such a dear darling when I was bawling and blowing my nose noisily into my now-mucusfied-tee after a Dr P. Wish I could have wiped the mucus dangling from the tip of my nostril off your shirt sleeve...but one can't ask for too much in life ya...*grins*

To some other insensitive people, I could only say "You need a Dr P. Your cerebrum (which incidentally is the part of the brain that controls speech and emotions as well as reading, thinking, and learning) could do with a Dr P in-house treatment."

Learn to think before you speak. Learn to use some EQ even if you're lacking in the IQ department.

And in case you're apprehensive of spending a fortune on a cerebrum treatment, don't worry it's on me. Just get your cerebrum fixed.

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