Dreams, Illusions, Bubbles, Shadows

31 May 2005

A B O U T - F A C E --- gallery of offenders

A B O U T - F A C E --- gallery of offenders

These provoking posters were a jolt to my mind. Cocooned in a semi-conservative culture where many of these racy postergirls did not manage to survive under the cleaver of the censorship authority, I was not aware of the blatant abuse of women image in such manner.

It is not about alpha feminist talk but simple women rights. I'm appalled and disheartened. Women baring breasts has been defined as a norm. What of men exposing their manhood on the pinup posters?

When creativity is stretched, sex is the convenient, definitive patch?

Women are more than that.

About Women

On Becoming a Woman by Mary McGee Williams and Irene Kane, 1958

A boy likes a girl who ...
listens ...
meets his eye ...
walks with a spring, not a swagger ...
has a bell in her voice ...
makes inexpensive clothes look cheery ...

A boy likes a girl who ...
puts make-up on her face, not on his collar ...
isn't self-conscious about her figure, and doesn't advertise it ...
wears a flower, but not the whole Botanical Garden ...
draws a line between slang and profanity ...

A boy likes a girl who ...
smells like spring all year 'round ...
is prudent, but not prudish ...
smokes at home, drinks nowhere ...
improves on nature, but in moderation ...
sits like a lady, even in jeans ...

A boy likes a girl who ...
appreciates football without looking as if she could play it ...
laughs, but not too loudly ...
doesn't knock the rock, but admits there's room for Bach ...
would rather bite her tongue than her nails ...
has opinions, but doesn't think they're the only ones ...
doesn't call him on the phone for no good reason ...

A boy likes a girl who ...
likes him more than she likes his car ...
thanks the donor for small favors ...
neither spreads nor inspires gossip ...
follows the crowd, but not blindly ...
doesn't go to the beach dressed in a pocket hankie ...

A boy likes a girl who ...
acts herself, instead of aping movie stars ...
doesn't load his pockets with her compact, overshoes and hairbrush ...
has read a book ...
dances instead of yakking when she's on the dance floor ...
enjoys a movie and a hamburger as much as she enjoys night-clubbing ...

A boy likes a girl who ...
walks in the rain, and doesn't fuss about her hair coming down ...
gets up early to go fishing ...
appreciates his jokes (even the bad ones) ...
cares about his hobbies ...

A boy likes a girl who ...
looks good ...
sounds good ...
feels good ...
walks good ...
and talks good ~ but not too much ...

Savannah Says | The Fat Girl's Guide to Finding Love | From the Advice Archives

Savannah Says | The Fat Girl's Guide to Finding Love | From the Advice Archives

Savannah beat me to this. Innovative alternatives to losing 20kg:

1. Migrate to places where women with a generous figure are worshipped. Some recommended destinations are eastern Europe and Mexico.

2. Move to places where women are a scarcity. Think Alaska, Antartica.

3. Convert to a culture where every woman is respectably robed and veiled. This can prevent prospective grooms from spotting the conspicuous layers of soft, finger-licking fats spilling over your skirt waistband.

My conclusion:

If I have the bucks to spare on citizenship registration, logistics, language classes (of my destinated country), bribes for the unfortunate matchmaker, I can very well enroll in a slimming programme without changing my geographical locality. And thus increasing my market appeal to the global majority (excluding eastern Europe and Mexico).

30 May 2005

They Call Me Maria (pronounced as mah-ree-ia in a monotone)

Slacking is taking its toil on me. As the earliest riser-with-no-commitment-whatsoever in the household at 7 am, I've managed to turn closets, cabinets, floor and even the washrooms inside out. Sucking in the detestable strands of foreign-looking hair particles with the 1500 watt vacuum cleaner, I finally understood the psyche of the maids previously on the household payroll. Housework chore is a mindless routine that drains the strength from your arms, produces possibly incurable calluses on your tender palms, poses a threat on your spinal cord but requires little or no mental capacity on the doer. In brief, cleaning up the house is an effective and thrifty way of tiring one out without burning the pocket and of course, precious grey matter.

I've put my excess effort to good use on level 1 and the stairsway of my humble abode. Level 2, the backyard and garage remain attractively available.

It's Clean Up! Time.

29 May 2005

What Lies Behind Your Eyes

In your eyes, people see shards of ice everywhere. You are cold and distant, pushing away people that love you and truely care for you! You want to be able to reach out and love them but you can't for some reason. You're just too.... You :P Underneath that cold exterior lies a warm, happy soul that wants to let loose and have fun! Your sanctuary would probably be anywhere up high where you can look down on life below you, like the roof of an apartment building. You eyes resemble a saddened, crestfallen person seeking out attention, but doesn't know how to handle it. However, you do find comfort from your friends, they're always there for you, and they know the REAL you :) Even though you do seem rather cold, you can be very protective over something you truly believe in or love. Let go of that
"tough" rep and just be you! It's impossible to live life without some fun and love ^-^

What Lies Behind Your Eyes?
brought to you by Quizilla

27 May 2005

My Love Revelation

I love black business pant suits.
I love black high heels.
I love crisp tailor made shirts.
I love cuff links.

Of four loves, I have two.
The courtship continues.

20 May 2005

Why Geek Dudes Rule

They are generally available.
Other women will tend not to steal them.
They can fix things.
Your parents will love them.
They're smart.

P.S. For cp and chyan. :)

Alpha Feminist Talk

Image hosted by Photobucket.com
This is somewhat easier than losing 20kg.

Image hosted by Photobucket.com
Supporting the monstrous growth of Mattel capitalism is becoming one's hero?

19 May 2005

Jo once predicted I'd fall prey to the irresistable charm of the SleepBug. True enough, I'm clocking an average of 18hrs and still not getting enough. I'm addicted. Addicted to SleepBug. *gasp*

P.S. Happy vacation, yaoyao!

18 May 2005

Nonsense Quiz #6

You like the sweet, shy type.

What kind of guy are you most attracted to? (CUTE anime pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

Absolutely unbelievable...dubious

Nonsense Quiz #5

You Are 70% Normal

(Really Normal)

Otherwise known as the normal amount of normal

You're like most people most of the time

But you've got those quirks that make you endearing

You're unique, yes... but not frighteningly so!

Nonsense Quiz #4

Your Birth Date: 12 May

Being born on the 12th day of the month (3 energy) is likely to add a good bit of vitality to your life.

The energy of 3 allows you bounce back rapidly from setbacks, physical or mental.

There is a restlessness in your nature, but you seem to be able to portray an easygoing, sometimes "couldn't care less" attitude.

You have a natural ability to express yourself in public, and you always make a very good impression.

Good with words, you excel in writing, speaking, and possibly singing.

You are energetic and always a good conversationalist.

You have a keen imagination, but you tend to scatter your energies and become involved with too may superficial matters.

Your mind is practical and rational despite this tendency to jump about.

You are affectionate and loving - but very sensitive.

You are subject to rapid ups and downs.

What Does Your Birth Date Mean?

Nonsense Quiz #3

Your Deadly Sins

Envy: 20%

Greed: 20%

Pride: 20%

Sloth: 20%

Gluttony: 0%

Lust: 0%

Wrath: 0%

Chance You'll Go to Hell: 11%

You will die at the hands of a jealous lover. How ironic.

How Sinful Are You?

Nonsense Quiz #2

Your #1 Match: ENTJ
The Executive

You are a natural leader - with confidence and strength that inspires others.
Driven to succeed, you are always looking for ways to gain, power, knowledge, and expertise.
Sometimes you aren't the most considerate person, especially to those who are a bit slow.
You are not easily intimidated - and you have a commanding, awe-inspiring presence.

You would make a great CEO, entrepreneur, or consultant.

Your #2 Match: INTJ
The Scientist

You have a head for ideas - and you are good at improving systems.
Logical and strategic, you prefer for everything in your life to be organized.
You tend to be a bit skeptical. You're both critical of yourself and of others.
Independent and stubborn, you tend to only befriend those who are a lot like you.

You would make an excellent scientist, engineer, or programmer.

Your #3 Match: ENFJ
The Giver

You strive to maintain harmony in relationships, and usually succeed.
Articulate and enthusiastic, you are good at making personal connections.
Sometimes you idealize relationships too much - and end up being let down.
You find the most energy and comfort in social situations ... where you shine.

You would make a good writer, human resources director, or psychologist.

Your #4 Match: ENTP
The Visionary

You are charming, outgoing, friendly. You make a good first impression.
You possess good negotiating skills and can convince anyone of anything.
Happy to be the center of attention, you love to tell stories and show off.
You're very clever, but not disciplined enough to do well in structured environments.

You would make a great entrpreneur, marketing executive, or actor.

Your #5 Match: INFJ
The Protector

You live your life with integrity, originality, vision, and creativity.
Independent and stubborn, you rarely stray from your vision - no matter what it is.
You are an excellent listener, with almost infinite patience.
You have complex, deep feelings, and you take great care to express them.

You would make a great photographer, alternative medicine guru, or teacher.

What's Your Personality Type?

Nonsense Quiz #1

The Keys to Your Heart

You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free.

In love, you feel the most alive when everything is uncertain, one moment heaven... the next moment hell.

You'd like to your lover to think you are optimistic and happy.

You would be forced to break up with someone who was ruthless, cold-blooded, and sarcastic.

Your ideal relationship is open. Both of you can talk about everything... no secrets.

Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.

You think of marriage something you've always wanted... though you haven't really thought about it.

In this moment, you think of love as something you don't need. You just feel like flirting around and playing right now.

What Are The Keys To Your Heart?

First Day of Summer Vacation 2005

Woke up remarkably early at precisely 6.30 am. Vera will be so proud of me. I'm finally rising with uncle rooster. Kudos to myself. -yay-

Bade farewell to many classmates after the wretched paper.
Van - in Vietnam now and soon to be at 'honeymoon' with her bf at california.
Fred and Yaoyao - Sweet lovers roadtrip to bangkok.
Vincent - I'm still hankering after that huge prezzie X.Li gave u. Tell me! Tell me!
Monica - trust her to club her guts out after sweeping her germs underneath the carpet.
Anella - more shopping, facial, spa, massage, and how can anyone forget Hollywood Secret? Don't overpluck your eyebrows, girl. lol
Li - working hard for her qian2 tu2 (pun intended). Will definitely ask you for a crazy, crazy shopping weekend!
Vera & Jing - holidaying in HK (Speaking of hk, a single airfare to HK on JetStar is only going for SGD 121 and it's one for one! Anyone interested?) Shall make a mental note to get Vera to help me some loot over. I love bags. When's the last time I buy myself a new bag? Can't remember...
Val - i know u will get even prettier over the summer! Look forward to see those summer kissed cheeks in Aug!
Evon - california fitness membership, yea? All my friends are so health conscious. -Covers eyes in shame-
Kelvin - Non-stop shuffle. 'nuff said. Lol.
Jackson - will miss your freezing-cold jokes.
Mervin aka Uncle Dong - Total lifeguard in action. Baywatch, anyone?
Fab - happy mugging. And remember to feed skipper.
Joel - hang in there, won't ya? Just that one/two more weeks!
Calvin - thanks for telling everyone I tripped over my own laptop wire. Now i'm infamous. Humph!
Jiuan - So happy to talk to u again!!! Let's slack in style!!
Darsh - Bug me pls.
Bug - I will bug you.
Ping - Did you miss me? Lol
Leng - Saw ur recent pic taken at coffeebean. So pretty! Talk about metamorphosis. Ahh...I'm still waiting for mine, Jiuan!
Jun - You are one elusive gal! Super undatable! I don't care...You're going to gimme your entire holiday schedule. I will hunt that one free day out!
Jiabi - luvluv! Thanks for ur sms! Didn't expect you to remember...I'm so touched! *tissue pls*
cp - holidaying with nk. And not even getting me a CPU fan! Sulk! I hereby disacknowledge you as my RentAGracia associate. Humph
Gracia - geez...have a great trip at shanghai! Time for my dearest and arguably prettiest darling to get a break :)
By - muahahhaha...how's that research programme coming along? The woes of being a elite. Summer school hot on your trails on a supposedly legal holiday.
Chyan - June 15. I'm marking that day down! Will definitely host a food galore when you're back and i'm in store for that u-know-i-know s-u-r-p-r-i-s-e!

Daddy - Contemplating picking up a 3rd foreign language, Korean. I feel so inadequate. Blish.
Mummy - Shopping pls? Heez
Jo - Happy leading the booboo year ones, hyper enthu student leader! Say hi to B.C for me. lol
LP - Don't even think of it. I'm back again. lol
Chris - funfunfun!
Feifei & co - Hello, I'm michelle. Take it easy. Don't pounce on me. -almost pleading-

Phew...what an overload. Feeling lighter now. YIPPIE.

And now, let's get busy on that shopping-cum-slacking-schedule. And of course, getting down to losing that 20kg.


16 May 2005

Moniza - the new variant of influenza, first found at expo

It's the much anticipated vacation and I've to fall semi-sick. Monica concluded apologetically that she was the source of the mind-wreaking and body-weakening germs that had me sleeping for 4 days straight. Was surviving on a mug of cereal a day till Jo came to the rescue with the miracle painkillers.

Now in addition to the inhaler, asthma relief pills and lozenges, the magic painkillers have joined the ranks of my must-bring-everywhere-pills.

To the magic pills, cheers. You guys have saved my last soci paper.

For now, it's sleep. And more sleep. And still more sleep.

Moniza - the latest variant of influenza

It's finally the much anticipated vacation and I've to fall semi-sick. Monica concluded that she had passed her fatal, mind-wreaking and body-weakening germs to me. Was surviving on a mug of cereal a day since thur till Jo came to bug me and gave me the miracle painkillers. Now in addition to the inhaler, asthma relief pills and lozenges, painkillers have joined the ranks of my must-bring-everywhere-pills.

To the miracle painkillers, cheers. You guys saved my last soci paper.

Now it's sleep. And more sleep. And still more sleep.

15 May 2005

Make a Wish

To increase your salary by 30%, simply cut and paste. By posing as a man, you will be paid on the average 30% more than you would as a woman.

Association of Women for Action and Research (AWARE)

13 May 2005

It has been a tough week but thanks to all the dearies who made it so much more special and bearable. Love all ur presents, flowers and good wishes. Thanks for remembering. Love ya all!

When women are depressed, they eat or go shopping. Men invade another country. It's a whole different way of thinking.

Elayne Boosler

12 May 2005

About -- me.

275 posts from last spring, and none is an "About" post. I think it's impossible to encapsulate a person's entire personality in a demographic and psychographic profile fact sheet. Certainly, even a person's life with the scope of a teaspoon deserves a more complete description.

But as I write, I realise it's easier for the readers to conclude by themselves than it's for me to direct their perception. I know that sounds like a phony attempt at excusing myself from this particularly difficult "About" page that I've intended on just a few minutes ago.

As for now, I think a biodata factsheet will suffice till I figure out how to write an "About" page.


08 May 2005

Post a Secret


Have you ever cut out stamps from discarded envelopes, paste them on envelopes and pretend they were addressed to you?

Do you keep changing your hairstyles because you can never change who you are?

Do you always feel alone even though you're always surrounded by friends?

Have you ever harboured a secret wish to kill your own parent?

Have you pray everyday for strength to tell your parents you're raped/molested/abused/ smoked/a drug addicted/bullied for 10 whole years?

Are you bearing the pain alone because you do not want to hurt your loved ones?

Do you, have you, are you keeping secrets?

I do. And I'm glad I found this site. It makes me realised how similar everyone is. We all have secrets stashed at the back of the wardrobe; some we wished to hide till we're six feet under, some we wished to be found and be rescued.

Are we that unique, special and irreplaceable? Yes and no. Innately, we share a common core. But as we grow up, we struggle to differentiate ourselves from that core. How often have you go against your parents' wish so you can be different and better than them?

A friend put it aptly, "I spent my lifetime trying to be different from my parents. But now I see myself in them."

It's painful to bury so many secrets within oneself. I had once naively believed I can get away with all the secrets. But I was so wrong and have paid heavily for it. Now I know better and I've learnt ways to dispatch my secrets far away from myself. My blog is one. Though it may read impersonal and to some journalism like, if you can read in between the lines, secret desires, frustration, hope, happiness, shame, fears, pride, lie in every word.

In the old movie "In the mood for Love", there's an ancient piece of wall with holes in it. People whisper their secrets into the holes and sealed up the holes with paper. On the internet, we've PostSecret.

If you're like me, you may love the site as much as I do.

Write a postcard and release that secret to the world. Be free. Be happy. It's an end and a begininng.

Love ,

06 May 2005

Men always want to be a woman's first love - women like to be a man's last romance.

Oscar Wilde

05 May 2005

Ballet under the Stars

I know this is really outdated....but how could I have missed such a splendid performance?! -Bangs head against the wall-

Had expected the dance to be flooded with smooching couples...huggly cuddly with each other... and so had graciously stayed out of Fort Canning Green. Arrgh! I wished I have dragged you girls along! I know gracia and yao (my artsy foxy sistas) won't have the heart to turn me down =)

I'm booking you gals early for Apr 2006 Ballet under the Stars! Till then...I will make do with an impersonal, factual synopsis (courtesy of sistic)

  • Birds of Paradise,
Birds of Paradise, set to Alberto Ginastera’s Concerto for Harp and Orchestra is enriched by strong visual impact, sensual tension and an exotic mood. It calls for two lead couples and an ensemble of nine. The work features dancers as frightened bird-like creatures with movements showcasing the hallmark characteristics of Goh Choo San’s work – the effective use of complex patterns of daring partnering and distinctive angular shapes. The inspiration for Living Greens is the music of Mickey Hart, which is a diverse collection of instruments and people brought together from all backgrounds to create a distilled unified percussive sound. Hart brings together artists and instruments from Mexico, India, Brazil, Africa and Indonesia to create his primal music.
His tenth creation for Washington Ballet, Birds of Paradise was premiered by The Washington Ballet on 26 October 1979. This production is presented by arrangement with the Choo-San Goh and H. Robert Maggee Foundation.
  • Façade
Façade unveils the inner core self, allowing the protective mask and defensive layers to be removed. The projection of the self and the reflection in the mirror are being dissolved so that the true essence can be revealed.
  • Don Quixote
Don Quixote is the hero in this ballet. He rejoices in heroic tales of brave knights and beautiful ladies. He is constantly seeking adventure and travels around with his squire, Sancho whom he rescued from angry shopkeepers when he tried to steal a goose. Don Quixote is always finding an ideal, something to live for and serve. The Pas de Deux is when Kitri, the innkeeper’s daughter and Basil, a barber, get married.
  • The Sleeping Beauty – Excerpt: Blue Bird Pas De Deux
The excerpt – The Blue Bird Pas de Deux is a divertissement from Act II of The Sleeping Beauty choreographed by Jean Paul Comelin, staged by SDT in December 2004.
  • Living Greens
Living Greens is a dance inspired by fundamental issues relating to nature and humanity. Issues such as growth, maturity, survival and social behaviour are examined through movement and mood; the essence of these complex issues are reflected in dance. The ballet is a combination of movements brought together from different dance realms.

All Things A Friend Should Be

A FRIEND should be radical.

He should hug when you are unhuggable, love when you are unlovable, and bear when you are unbearable.

A friend should be fanatical.

He should cheer when the whole world boos,

Dance when you get good news and cry when you cry too.

But most of all, a friend should be mathematical.

He should multiply the joy,

Divide the sorrow,

Subtract the past,

and add it to tomorrow.

Calculate the need deep in your heart,

And always be bigger than the sum to all of these parts.

To the annoynomous author, thank you for the brilliant summary of a friend.

01 May 2005

I'm Still A Child

Missed out Jo's box

Happy birthday to me =)

Thanks mummy and my zoo of siblings =) There're more goodies but I decided to keep them under my bed with xiao qiang. lol

Decadent cake...too full to even bend down now...

Let me retire early for once...I'm with a four months' tummy again, cp =/

A choker with an Ojiube Little Horse Tribe flavour

Love my Pooh stationery

Reminiscent of my lost childhood

We are going to be best friends! Yoo-hooo-hooo

A collaboration by three brilliant minds

I'll net you in

A premature yet equally fulfilling birthday