Dreams, Illusions, Bubbles, Shadows

30 May 2005

They Call Me Maria (pronounced as mah-ree-ia in a monotone)

Slacking is taking its toil on me. As the earliest riser-with-no-commitment-whatsoever in the household at 7 am, I've managed to turn closets, cabinets, floor and even the washrooms inside out. Sucking in the detestable strands of foreign-looking hair particles with the 1500 watt vacuum cleaner, I finally understood the psyche of the maids previously on the household payroll. Housework chore is a mindless routine that drains the strength from your arms, produces possibly incurable calluses on your tender palms, poses a threat on your spinal cord but requires little or no mental capacity on the doer. In brief, cleaning up the house is an effective and thrifty way of tiring one out without burning the pocket and of course, precious grey matter.

I've put my excess effort to good use on level 1 and the stairsway of my humble abode. Level 2, the backyard and garage remain attractively available.

It's Clean Up! Time.

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