Dreams, Illusions, Bubbles, Shadows

29 June 2006

Hymm to Isis, 300 B.C.

For I am the first and the last
I am the venerated and the despised
I am the prostitute and the saint
I am the wife and the virgin
I am the mother and the daughter
I am the arms of my mother
I am barren and my children are many
I am the married woman and the spinster
I am the woman who gives birth and she
who never procreated
I am the consolation for the pain of birth
I am the wife and the husband
And it was my man who created me
I am the mother of my father
I am the sister of my husband
And he is my rejected son
Always respect me
For I am the shameful and the magnificent one

27 June 2006

Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus

Spotted a great article on Newsweek: Staying Together, Living Apart

This couple is married, lived in the same building but different apartments. The idea is to have more "me" time and 10 minutes in the toilet doesn't come close to privacy. I thought this is a fantastic idea. Though staying away from home takes away the comforts I'm so used to, it reduces the frequency of conflicts. I suppose there's a positive correlation between time spent together and occurence of conflicts. However, a life without conflicts could be really dull.

There was a discussion on "Types of man to avoid" on radio this morning. A radio dj said, "Never fall prey to the dark silent hawk - men with a cold glint in their eyes who scrimp on proper conversations, rich or devastatingly gorgeous they are - avoid them at all costs. It was a Chinese programme. The rough summary is as follows:

深沉的男人有阴沉的心。婚前女人为他的冷绝孤傲着迷,虽然男人不曾对她甜言蜜语。婚后男人依然沉默。妻子形影不离的追随丈夫的心,终究还是失败了。有一天夫妻站在秋天洋溢的花园里。丈夫淡淡的说:“秋天来了。” 曾经女人会为了男人的主动而受宠若惊,晚上睡不着觉。这时成熟聪明的女人翻了个白眼说道:“废话!” 男人看傻了眼。 两年后,他们离婚了。妻子的婚后感想是深沉的男人有病。和他们相处久了自己也会变得沉默寡言。 所以爱说话的阳光女孩切误入歧途!
This week's reading list: Eleven Minutes by Paulo Coelho, Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus by John Gray. :)

18 June 2006

Friends, Lovers, Chocolate: The Game of Seduction

Like two giant balls of energy, we collide and burst into flames. The dancing fire licked our bare skin, savouring the bittersweet taste of life. The intimacy of two skins, the sweeping waves of heat, the conflicting struggle between primative desire and civilised rationality. A wanton moan of satisfaction, a creeping hint of guilt and regret. The kitchen wall clock ticked sternly. The insistent, resonating echoes threw dark cautionary notes to the stagnant air.

My hands stopped in mid-motion. My tongue still bearing the mark of my brief rendezvous with the chocolate bar. The warmth of the rich milk chocolate permeate my entire being. With all my might, feeling that I would like to stir the household with a shout, if only to express my rapture fully.

I'm so in love with you, chocolate.

You're the cause of numerous conspiracies to overthrow the watertight warrior diet; the reason for broken oaths, shattered trust, uncalculated risky trips to the fridge, an uncontrollable expanding girth. You're the culprit for my body's traitorous behaviour.

You lure me into the game of seduction with the ease of a trained temptress and engulf my weak resistance with false allures.

Chocolate. You're my friend, my lover, my foe.

12 June 2006

It's Summer Again!

Christopher chillin' out in winter wear

One of my fav photos BUT my hands shook. \(>o<)/
Is there a remedy for old granny's trembling hands? I can't take a decent shot at all! Wails!

WORLD CUP is finally here!!! This year's German squad is younger, more appealing and more offensive. Ten minutes before the final whistle, the Germans were riding high on a 4-2 score and "queueing up to score ". Miroslav Klose netted two goals! Yeah! How time flies...Klose is 28, already. :(