Dreams, Illusions, Bubbles, Shadows

17 April 2005

All in a day's work

(chic and professional) Now what modules shall I pick? Hmm...exciting options out there

(Yeepies!) So many lovely things to choose from!

Di-Da-Di-Tra-La-La...say the magic word and thy door of destiny shall open for thee!

(Faintly annoyed) Now what am I supposed to choose?

(Step over me if you wanna) All right... I give up. Let me worry about it again tomorrow. Arrgh

(Blish) Run away if all things fail.

15 April 2005

Dance to my own beat

Had a dreamless sleep (finally) after 33 hrs. The earth could have quaked and I would have peacefully slept on and surrender to nature's destiny. Why, you would ask, don't I sleep. The answer is simple: I'm too frustrated to sleep.

Still learning to live with disappointment and smiling at adversity. There are times I would feel apprehensive to check my email. Afraid of more disappointment shown my way and regret for the impulsive exploit done with Dutch courage. Life has many stations for everyone and mine is not meant to be with the people I have aspired to rub shoulders with. But should one resign to this fate plainly without a well-deserved fight? I should think not.

No matter what may be shoved to my way, my decision will not waver. You can reject me but you can't stop me from trying. So what if I'm not the best?

Life's a dance. I dance to my own beat.

14 April 2005

The faceless person borne with no face, no identity, no limbs, no heart
He who does not exist sheds tears of humanity
Eyes bleed of a thousand sorrows
Faceless person
My blood flows in your veins
Cry for me

It's All About Girls

Why we need girlfriends even when we are married:

  • Girlfriends bring casseroles and scrub your bathroom when you are sick.

  • Girlfriends keep your children and keep your secrets.

  • Girlfriends give advice when you ask for it. Sometimes you take it sometimes you don't.

  • Girlfriends don't always tell you that you're right, but they're usually honest.

  • Girlfriends still love you, even when they don't agree with your choices.

  • Girlfriends might send you a birthday card, but they might not - It does not matter in the least.

  • Girlfriends laugh with you, and you don't need canned jokes to start the laughter.

  • Girlfriends pull you out of jams.

  • Girlfriends don't keep a calendar that lets them know who hosted the other last.

  • Girlfriends will give a party for your son or daughter when they get married or have a baby, in whichever order that comes!

  • And girlfriends are there for you, in an instant and truly, when the hard times come.

  • Girlfriends listen when you lose a job or a husband.

  • Girlfriends listen when your children break your heart.

  • Girlfriends listen when your parents' minds and bodies fail.
I'm all but a barely-legal adult. Marriage is far away and perhaps will never be within sight. But I agree with the wisdom of the author, girlfriends are precious. We will never know when or how much we need each other. My girlfriends have been my joy and pride, always close to my heart. I can't imagine growing up without the bunch of giggly, crazy gurls.

Love ya, gals!

A Private Dance

Made my blog a new frock for the exams (for luck). Had no idea where my blog is heading for as I did the coding...till I came upon John Michael Montgomery's song.

Life's A Dance (An excerpt)

Life's a dance you learn as you go
Sometimes you lead, sometimes you follow
Don't worry about what you don't know
Life's a dance you learn as you go

That's what I want my blog to be. A reminder that life's a dance. To let my heart choreograph my every dance and my soul to soar with my heartbeat. To feel little black notes pulsing through my veins and to arise with a tingling rhythm in my fingertips and toes.

I want to dance everyday of my life. To dance for laughter, to dance for tears, to dance for hope, to dance for fear, to dance for my dream.

Will you, won't you, will you, won't you,
will you join the dance?

13 April 2005

Come buy a reel of thread today.
Colours, thickness, texture aplenty.
Come, come, buy a reel of thread
To weave a quilt for the frosty winter nights.

Dream Key 21

Who says pearl is antiquated?

More Return to Tiffany keychains

Your left hand says 'we'.
Your right hand says 'me'.
Your left hand rocks the cradle.
Your right hand rules the world.
Women of the world, raise your right hand.

The coveted Return to Tiffany keychain

Latest laboratory miracle: Omega-8 oil capsules manufactured from recycled liposuction waste products

Prerequisites of an uptown geek: A pair of horn-rimmed glasses and an unabridged volume of The Geeksian Code of Law

I love the free form of this net

Towels or headlice? Towels or fleas? Towels or bedbugs? Hmm...I'll pick the...

Even a drad office blind can stir up some zest if u look from another angle

Think you know what an apple is? Think again.

07 April 2005

I prefer my own company

A little bit of time a day can go a long way
Replace a grunt with a smile
Speak not snarl
Weigh the importance of the connection you made with another
Not warped up in book-keeping with a Casio
Cherish a person for the goodness of him/her
Not of his/her present value
Every relationship is a gift of solidarity
Friend or foe alike
Tell me you enjoy my company
Tell me not I've practical investment value
Tell me you appreciate my gesture
Tell me not I've no need for you now
Is that too much to ask for?

The store that screams "Bling Bling!"

Louis Vuitton store on the hip streets of Japan

Made in Paris

Louis Vuitton store on Champs Elysees, Paris. A sterling example of nationalistic support for home-grown labels even the streets of Paris endorse LV.

Verstehen: to put oneself in the other's shoes (in this case, clothes AND shoes)


Strip poker anyone?

New York, NY - Alexander McQueen, Todd Oldham, Susan Sarandon, Iggy Pop, and Pink are among an elite group of celebrities, designers and artists who were invited by cutting edge makeup brand M·A·C Cosmetics to create versions of fabulous fantasy nude designs for the ultimate deck of playing cards. Using only M·A·C makeup and Swarovski tattoo crystals for sparkle, a team of talented M·A·C artists painted the designs on "naked-body" canvases, which consisted of models that were every shape, color, and size. The project was shot by renowned lensman Richard Lohr who captured the provocative images that would eventually become the unique body of art.

M.A.C March

06 April 2005

I am a G.E.E.K

yoohoo! Ahh...finally an end to my notebook revolution. *yeah!*

I've scrubbed and rubbed, sterilised and flossed, massaged and perfumed my notebook into a super n.B!

Just a few months ago I'm a IT idiot who had friends sending me pictures of port11 & DSL cable. No more dummy...i'm a proud geeky pc novice -grins-

A summary of my major achievements
1. Mastered Hijack This
2. Armed n.B with a comprehensive defence base: AV and a multi-pronged anti-spyware army
3. Ditched IE and Outlook Ex for good.
4. n.B surfs on Mozilla Firefox and ThunderBird now.
5. Nabbed and killed rogue wares. No more pop-ups! And the trojans are flushed down the toilet bowl.
6. Did I mention my connection speed has quadrupled? Ahh....
7. I'm a newly converted ardent fan of open source software.
8. I'm soooo PROUD of myself.

Cheers to geeky me
dances round the room

04 April 2005

Love you. Hate you.

I LOVE you. I HATE you. I LOVE you. I HATE you. I LOVE you. I HATE you....100 daisies later (mind you daisies have lots of petals) I LOVE you.

Arrrghhhh!!! I HATE YOU!! I H-A-T-Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee YOU! And darn those daisies. (!~#$%^&*)

No more daisies. Disgusting make-believe innocent floweries. Gross. I shall use cactus the next. Lots of needle-prickly leaves to pluck. Cacti won't fail me. With only 100 needles on the stem, I am guaranteed to get my desired answer. I just adore my cacti. Muacch