Dreams, Illusions, Bubbles, Shadows

21 November 2006

Time to say goodbye

I've had some two great years on Blogger. Dressing my blog up and down over and over again is the most thrilling discovery I found on the Internet. Needlessly to say, a larger than recommended proportion of my sleeping hours went into html playing. Once in a blue moon, Blogger would fly into a tantrum and flush my posts down the virtual drains. Writhes painfully. After donating a couple of posts to the virtual environment conservation campaign, I experimented with other platforms including Wordpress. Wordpress was my faithful hidding place whenever Blogger flung me over the garden hedge. Even then, I never thought I would leave Blogger. I've some stubborn and often irrational habits, blind loyalty is one of them.

But the recent tantrum caught me off balance. I felt it won't be inappropriate to mouth a few oaths at the LCD. It's just so annoying and totally distorts the spontaneity of blogging.

So, I'm moving to Coffee with Roses.

I'm leaving the old posts at Blogger. As mentioned, Blogger holds some of my best and worst moments in the past two years.

I'll always love you, Blogger.

19 November 2006

The demise of a blogger

Note: For reasons unknown to me, Blogger has unceremoniously thrown me into exile with an ultimatum: Could not connect to Blogger.com. Saving and publishing may fail.
This post was dated Nov 14, 2006, 10.26pm. Initially I dismissed it as a scheduled maintenance but for five days?! The urge to run to the open arms of wordpress is insuppressible after waves of rejection. If this post doesn't see the world, I'd join other deluded fellow bloggers on the other side of the riverbank. Let's just pray.

08 November 2006

My peanut of a brain

Thank god I'm not an elephant for I've only a peanut sized brain. The velocity at which my mind unloads unpleasant luggage and life-and-death notices is sheer amazement. It's like they've eloped with the wind on the back of a kite. Hmm...this puts new meaning into the famed phrase Gone with the wind.