Friends, Lovers, Chocolate: The Game of Seduction
Like two giant balls of energy, we collide and burst into flames. The dancing fire licked our bare skin, savouring the bittersweet taste of life. The intimacy of two skins, the sweeping waves of heat, the conflicting struggle between primative desire and civilised rationality. A wanton moan of satisfaction, a creeping hint of guilt and regret. The kitchen wall clock ticked sternly. The insistent, resonating echoes threw dark cautionary notes to the stagnant air.
My hands stopped in mid-motion. My tongue still bearing the mark of my brief rendezvous with the chocolate bar. The warmth of the rich milk chocolate permeate my entire being. With all my might, feeling that I would like to stir the household with a shout, if only to express my rapture fully.
I'm so in love with you, chocolate.
You're the cause of numerous conspiracies to overthrow the watertight warrior diet; the reason for broken oaths, shattered trust, uncalculated risky trips to the fridge, an uncontrollable expanding girth. You're the culprit for my body's traitorous behaviour.
You lure me into the game of seduction with the ease of a trained temptress and engulf my weak resistance with false allures.
Chocolate. You're my friend, my lover, my foe.
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