Dreams, Illusions, Bubbles, Shadows

06 May 2006

What I've been doing these days: eating fingers & drinking blood.

I realise I can't write/type for too long or my semi-numb fingers will grow even numb-er. It feels odd to be typing with 6 fingers now [to rest the 4 semi-numb fingers]. A great excuse for my usual embarrasingly s-l-o-w typing speed. Ever so regularly, I've to flex my fingers and rub the unconscious four. Sometimes I will bite them to test how resilient they are. Too bad I have gone past the age of getting my hands caned. They would have come in useful back then. -_-

Tasting blood because of swollen gums. When I suck deeply, the faint metallic taste of blood stain my taste buds. Once, for no reason I decided to lick my lips and sincerely, regretted it. Over the cracked lips, dried/fresh (I've no idea) blood lingered on the tip of my tongue. The first intellectual jolt was: I am not cut out for the eternal nightwalker profession!! How do vampires savor blood like gourmet food?!

Brushing teeth is a nightmare. I gave up looking at the mirror. I just scrub my teeth mechanically. The last time I looked at the mirror, I saw white foam laced with red fluid, in my mouth. My jaws dropped. From the next morning onwards, I stare at the sink. It's more bearable, that way. -_-

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