Revelation of a Parasite
A few days ago, I told a friend over lunch that I can't wait to graduate. She thought I was mad. But I know I was as in the perfect state of mind. Graduation symbolises liberation and independence. Right now I feel like a parasite, living off my parents like nobody cares and not making a single fruitful contribution. It was fun to joke about that in the past but now it's getting to me. What's up with me? (Dutch sailors' vulgarities)
When you see an apple that's too good to be kept in a fridge, you hunger for it.
Apple iBook G4
It's sleek. It's eye-catching. It shouts for your attention with its irresistable price tag of $1,681.05 plus a complimentary MacMice Mouse. Darn...finally I got it out of my chest. I've battled with this insane temptation all week. Grimace
I will not think of this anymore. I will not think of this anymore. (multiplied by 1,000 times)
They dodged, ducked and hid.
Happy lunch mates
Hey there, welcome to The Hundred Acre Wood!
Joanne's Sweet 18th Birthday
Happy birthday, jo! Good luck with the durian perfume, durian treat, noodles-seasoned-with-mealworm-lunch, whatever tricks that your BME classmates can conjure out of their pocket. Pray hard that C++ and MI projects have burnt out their brains and would spare you. Lol!
P.S. The above prayer is not likely to materialise, Sabo Queen! *Cracks up in maniac laughter*
The Friend From A Decade Ago
After an 8 years lapse, I finally met the girlie whom I grow up with. Time has not left its traces on JP. She was still as lovely as ever. In contrast, JP could hardly recognise me. I've aged significantly, I guess. *dramatic sigh*
In between morsels of baked rice and spaghetti and an easy stroll along the walkway, we summarised our going-ons in the eight years. Poor JP, she didn't take to my hair adventures well. Reckon she'd give up her tv set rather than wear an one-inch spikyhead which I fancied just 6 months ago. It's alright, JP. You're not alone. lol
I wish I can eat without guilt like you do! Bangs head against wall. But hey, eat more greens, fruits and wholemeal! And work that body while you're at it too!! Lazy taladum...tsk :p
Looking back our childhood stories were hilarious. I was an awkward, shy, seen-but-not-heard kid. Shakes head. I can't imagine not chattering my head off now. I would talk through heaven and sun to dispel awkward silence. Silence at the table could be unnerving and depressing. Another thing I'm glad of is I've grown out of the silly inferiority complex mindset. (Insert vulgarity here.)
I like the way I am. A few lesser inches and ounces will be a bonus. Even if that doesn't materialise, I'll still continue climbing the 9 flights of stairs home and watch what goes down my throat. I'm health conscious more than image conscious. Looks fade with time but health is a longterm investment.
I'm thankful for the day I made you my friend, JP.
Apology Redefined
Check out what I have here:
To:Mr Sparky's Most Beloved
Subject:"I truly apologize..."
Dear, My Vegaterrorist Significant Other,
I'm the lowest form of life for forgetting to wear
matching socks. I was doing something important
and thought about just watching TV.
So I'm on the phone with Suicide Hotline, hoping you don't
put me in The Doghouse Please, let's withhold judgment.
Sometimes I just behave poorly.
Mr. Sparky
This letter has been sent by the World Famous Mark's
Apology Note Generator.Please send all compliments to
Mark at
Keep all complaints to yourself.
And here's a second nutritious dose of laughter:
Subject:"You better read this NOW!"
Dear, Slob that lives with me
I've been considering murder for a while, and,
unable to verbalize my feelings in a manner in
which you would understand, put the matter
aside until I could conjur up a more focused
thought to bear.
In a nutshell, you smell real bad.
And another thing, if you feel like keeping that
thing attached forever,then you'd better buy me
something expensive, IMMEDIATELY, or I'll never
leave you. I'll just stay and torture you until
the money runs out.
No longer the one chained to your dirty laundry
The last woman on earth you will ever have sex with.
This letter has been sent by the World Famous Mark's
Bitch Letter Generator. Please send all compliments
to Mark at
Keep all complaints to yourself.
Happy National Day 2005
Happy trio minus the faux street magician & his brolly.
Superflowercaulificious Health Decree 1.1
Aug 9 was spent at the bay with mesmerising fireworks display overhead in the lovely company of Jiuan and Darsh. Hugs*
I've really missed you girls! Seeing you always brings back bitter-sweet & hilarious memories from our old school days.
The night ended off on a calorie-laden dessert that gave my generous tummy an extra wobble. I've since vowed to start my morning jogs again. Aug 11 marked the first day of my exercise regime. Cheers!
After what seems like 6 months of sedentary, couch potato lifestyle, I can only muster 3 rounds round the track before my knees threaten to give way. Though my wobbly tummy compensated the stamina inefficiency with a modest circuit routine, I still have a long way to go before regaining my thrice a week, 4km run. For now, I guess I should thank my stars that I can actually move. Arggghhh!
In sync with my morning exercise regime is Diet Budget 2005. That is to skimp on rich worldly food for simple dishes the likes of vegetarian food, congee, vermicelli, fruits high on fiber & low on calorie count, and the life sustaining aqua. In addition, I'm switching my wake-up coffee and my usual lunchtime soybean milk for Yomei-shu and the refreshing water. And any food that can boost hair growth (specifically those on my head).
May my teeth crumble should I break the Superflowercaulificious Health Decree 1.1.
Currently Spinning
A blessing from an angel, MJ. Merci, Mademoiselle MJ! :)
Book in My Sack
Friendliness measured by number of teeth exposed
I'm growing complacent with the company I keep. Smiling and making small talk are tiresome. Guess I could do with some smiling practice over the festive national day later on.
S-M-I-L-E (And if you could, muster some of that smile factor into your small eyes.)
Post Result
Alright, I got my results today after a 2 months odd wait. I've lost precious sleep over it last night. My heart had never beaten faster (forget those killing cross-country runs and crazy njc circuits we were coerced into).
I didn't fail my units but neither did I do frightfully well. I merely
slipped or
scraped (for use of a better word) through.
Friends said it was a good grade. And I know it's a decent enough grade but not smashin' good enough for a celebratory call. A small voice at the back of my head is worried that Ch may have second thoughts and drop me for the interview.
Sorry to make you worry, darsh. I'll get over it in due time. Should be up and jumping come next monday.
For now, life goes on.
Today has been a hard day. Tomorrow is just as tough. Pray the weekend approach soon and I can read stories with Mr Fire Breathing Dragon and forget the fanatic paper chase temporarily.
Now I know what they mean by "Aim for the Moon. If you fall you'll be among the Stars." I would remember to aim higher the
next time.
Maybe "To be Number One" will land me in the second place. Definitely worth some thought.