Dreams, Illusions, Bubbles, Shadows

14 August 2005

Superflowercaulificious Health Decree 1.1

Aug 9 was spent at the bay with mesmerising fireworks display overhead in the lovely company of Jiuan and Darsh. Hugs*

I've really missed you girls! Seeing you always brings back bitter-sweet & hilarious memories from our old school days.

The night ended off on a calorie-laden dessert that gave my generous tummy an extra wobble. I've since vowed to start my morning jogs again. Aug 11 marked the first day of my exercise regime. Cheers!

After what seems like 6 months of sedentary, couch potato lifestyle, I can only muster 3 rounds round the track before my knees threaten to give way. Though my wobbly tummy compensated the stamina inefficiency with a modest circuit routine, I still have a long way to go before regaining my thrice a week, 4km run. For now, I guess I should thank my stars that I can actually move. Arggghhh!

In sync with my morning exercise regime is Diet Budget 2005. That is to skimp on rich worldly food for simple dishes the likes of vegetarian food, congee, vermicelli, fruits high on fiber & low on calorie count, and the life sustaining aqua. In addition, I'm switching my wake-up coffee and my usual lunchtime soybean milk for Yomei-shu and the refreshing water. And any food that can boost hair growth (specifically those on my head).

May my teeth crumble should I break the Superflowercaulificious Health Decree 1.1.

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