Dreams, Illusions, Bubbles, Shadows

07 September 2005

A la carte for my potty

I wanna chuck...

Henri Fayol (the POCCC guy), Weber (my greatest nightmare), Henry Gantt (him and his charts - bleurgh!), Gilbreth (the smartie couple with 7 children? Can't remember...), Elton Mayo (His Hawthorne Effect and the 6 ladies credited to it), Mary P. Follett (the woman who said mgt is the art of doing things thru people), Barnard (Oh, the New Jersey Bell Co CEO who decided to beat Fayol as the most quoted person in mgt and published a bunch of papers), Charles Handy (The silly Greek temple guy), Scheine (Man is complex. Took him that long to realise), Taylor (Man is mercenary. Feed him with money and he'll slog his guts out for you.), Wiilliam Ouchi (Jap + Amer mgt = Whoa whoa whoa), Fukuyama (the pessimistic political scientist), Rice & Emery (who made their fortune from spinning cotton at the Ahmedabad calico mills), Eric Trist & Bamfort (We were instructed to remember Trist till our death. I pity Bamfort. Trist gets all the attention.), Katz & Kahn (The twin Ks -- Organisations are complex systems! Eurekaaaa!), Joan Woodward (I call her Joan but my friend insisted she's Jo-anne. What do you say, Ms Woodward?), Oldham & Hackman (I love their names. Old-Ham & Hack-man), Von Bertalanffy (he reminds me of Dracula), Lawrence & Lorsh (who went too far with differentiation & integration), Burns & Stalker (another nightmare from the Weber era), Peters & Waterman (The only one modest principle I can remember from their elaborated list is 'stick to knitting'. Not that it can save my neck. Heck)...

into the deep innards of the toiletbowl. And that's not even half of the people I intend to flush down by this week.

Bother bother. Wake me up when September ends.

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